Sam Heaberlin - Youth Director
Sam Heaberlin became the Youth Dirctor at Genesis in 2014. He has been attending the church since he was 16 and accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior at the age of 17. Although he's not in his teens anymore, he has always had a heart for teenagers, even when he was one. Sam has had the desire to work and do ministry with teenagers throughout college. He is a fun guy who likes to beat his teenagers at video games all the time. He also likes to play some sports with the teenagers, but he is not the best at sports. He also loves to be around the teens as much as physically possible because he feels they deserve as much of him as he can give. He uses a lot of his faith and life experiences of his past to teach and guide teenagers so they do not make the same mistakes he did, and so he can help them become closer to Christ.
"I had a lot of issues as a teenager that I struggled with that I did not think anyone could understand. I see teenagers today struggling with the same issues, and they feel as if nobody understands them. There were also many faith issues that I also did not understand, and it seriously hurt my faith going into my 20s. My goals are to love the teenagers that come into my life as much as I can because the love of Christ changes hearts and lives. the biggest issue of our time is 80% of teenage youth are swallowed whole by the transition from high school to college, and one of my goals has been to equip teenagers as best as I can for that transition. We see that the many hard issues that teenagers struggle with, and the faith issues that the world can pick at, lead our youth astray from the Lord."

Youth Director